COVID-19 Funds Transparency
A running summary of those expenses officially made against available COVID-related funds Note: 3/22/2023: Due to a technical issue updates are delayed for COVID data. New files...
BOAH/VetBoard Veterinary License Dashboard
To better understand the scope of veterinary practice in Indiana, BOAH is seeking assistance from the Indiana Management Performance Hub (MPH) for a visual product demonstrating...
Expenditures Data
Expenditures data provides detail on all state expenses by funding source, expense category, account, and agency. Data files are broken down into fiscal year, and quarter.
Vendors Data
The vendors data provides detail of all expenditures for state vendors by agency. Vendor expenditures can be viewed by funding source, agency, function of government, and...
Assets Data
Assets data provides detail on state assets with an acquisition cost at or above $500.
Purchase and Travel Card Data
The Purchase and Travel Card data provides detail on agency credit card activity for general purchases and travel. This data can be viewed by card type, agency, and expense...
Non-General Fund Revenue
Non-General Fund Revenue data provides detail on all state revenue by agency and fund outside of the General Fund. Revenue can be viewed by function of government, funding...
COVID-19 Funds Expenditures
Note: 3/22/2023: Due to a technical issue updates are delayed for COVID data. New files will be published as soon as they are available. The COVID-19 expenditures datasets...
Indiana State Agency Cash Balance by Fiscal Year
The cash balance dataset provides details on the state’s cash balances by fund by fiscal year. Includes previous 5 fiscal years
Median Household Income by County 5 Year Estimates
This dataset provides estimates of median household income by race/ethnicity at the county level. Data is from the American Community Survey 5-year estimates.
Education Attainment by County 5 Year Estimates
The data show educational attainment for the total population aged 25 and older as reported by the American Community Survey 5 year estimates broken down by year, county, and race.
Median Household Income Statewide 1 Year Estimates
This dataset provides estimates of median household income by race/ethnicity at the state level. Data is from the American Community Survey 1-year estimates.
DWD Unemployment Rate
This datasets provides average unemployment rates for the 12-month period ending in the month indicated. The rates shown are rolling averages and are not the official...
DWD Unemployment Claimants
This dataset provides information on Unemployment Insurance Claimants in Indiana. The unemployment claims are based on filings into DWD's Uplink system, the online system for...
Workforce Ready Grants
This datasets provides information on Workforce Ready Grant (WRG) funded enrollments per 100,000 individuals aged 20+ by race since fall 2019. These programs are offered at no...
Child Services Data
This dataset provides information on children considered to be entering or in Department of Child Services (DCS) care by race and year. Below are a few items to note about the...
High School Graduation Rate
This dataset provides information on the 4 year graduation rate for Indiana students. Data is broken down by year, county/state, and race.
Public Health COVID Census Data
This dataset provides information on the number of individuals per race and county that have reported COVID or Deaths based on the population of the race in each county....
Public Safety Recidivism Data
This dataset provides information on the number of individuals released between the years of 2011-2015 and the number of individuals re-incarcerated. Below are a couple of items...
All individuals released from incarceration in the selected year, including race, age, felony type, most serious offense, length of time served, and county of conviction. This...