COVID-19 Funds Transparency
A running summary of those expenses officially made against available COVID-related funds Note: 3/22/2023: Due to a technical issue updates are delayed for COVID data. New files...
COVID-19 Funds Expenditures
Note: 3/22/2023: Due to a technical issue updates are delayed for COVID data. New files will be published as soon as they are available. The COVID-19 expenditures datasets...
COVID-19 Cases By Zip
Archived as of 11/15/2023: With the end of the federal emergency and reporting requirements continuing to evolve, the Indiana Department of Health will no longer publish and...
Note: 11/1/2023: Publication of the COVID data will be delayed because of technical difficulties. Note: 9/20/2023: With the end of the federal emergency and reporting...
COVID-19 Vaccinations by Date
Note: 11/1/2023: Publication of the COVID data will be delayed because of technical difficulties. Note: 9/20/2023: With the end of the federal emergency and reporting...
COVID-19 Vaccination Demographics by County and District
Note: 11/1/2023: Publication of the COVID data will be delayed because of technical difficulties. Note: 9/20/2023: With the end of the federal emergency and reporting...