OD Touchpoints: Recency and Reach
The underlying data for the Fatal Drug Overdose Touchpoints Dashboard. This data includes metrics on recency and reach of a touchpoint in relation to a fatal overdose, viewable...
OD Touchpoints: Prevalence, Frequency, and Recency
The underlying data for the Fatal Drug Overdose Touchpoints Dashboard. This data includes metrics on prevalence, frequency, and recency of a touchpoint in relation to a fatal...
Equity Portal - Public Safety Recidivism Data
This dataset provides information on the number of individuals released between the years of 2011-2015 and the number of individuals re-incarcerated. Below are a couple of items...
Equity Portal - Public Safety Re-Arrest Data
This dataset provides information on the number of re-arrests by county and race. Below are a few items to note about the dataset: Re-arrest rates are given for a cohort of...
Equity Portal - Public Safety Arrests Data
The bar chart shows the percentage of Indiana’s total arrests by racial category. The arrest percentage is calculated by dividing the number of arrests of people within a...
All individuals released from incarceration in the selected year, including race, age, felony type, most serious offense, length of time served, and county of conviction. This...
A snapshot of the incarcerated population sentenced to the Indiana Department of Correction, including race, age, felony type, and most serious offense category. All data...
The rate of individuals admitted to prison by race, intake year, intake age group, felony type, most serious offense, and county of conviction. The data also includes the total...
SDOH Survey Responses by Returning Citizens from Medicaid Application
This dataset provides information related to returning citizens released from a Department of Corrections facility and enrolled in Medicaid during the time period 01/2019 to...
Medicaid Claims of Returning Citizens with diagnoses by Recipient County
This dataset provides information related to returning citizens released from a Department of Corrections facility and enrolled in Medicaid during the time period 01/2019 to...
Medicaid Claims of Returning Citizens
This dataset provides information related to returning citizens released from a Department of Corrections facility and enrolled in Medicaid during the time period 01/2019 to...
Returning Citizens Receiving Medicaid
This dataset provides information related to returning citizens released from a Department of Corrections facility and enrolled in Medicaid during the time period 01/2019 to...
Prescriptions of Returning Citizens with diagnoses by Recipient County
This dataset provides information related to returning citizens released from a Department of Corrections facility and enrolled in Medicaid during the time period 01/2019 to...
Prescriptions of Returning Citizens
This dataset provides information related to returning citizens released from a Department of Corrections facility and enrolled in Medicaid during the time period 01/2019 to...
Parole Districts
This dataset contains locations of parole districts. The Parole Services Division operates out of ten district offices located across the State.