5 datasets found

Tags: employment Groups: Workforce and Economic Development Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution

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  • Industry Estimates

    These estimates provide employment data at what is called “the 6-digit” level. That is, the federal North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) that classifies...

  • Commuting Patterns by County

    Indiana tax returns a valuable source of commuting information through a partnership between state government and the Indiana Business Research Center (IBRC). This dataset...

  • Occupation Estimates

    Occupations are classified by the federal Standard Occupation Code (SOC) system. There are approximately 800 SOC codes that identify specific jobs or occupations. These...

  • Occupational Employment Estimates

    The Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) program conducts a semiannual survey designed to produce estimates of employment and wages for specific occupations. The OES program...

  • Occupational Projections

    Occupational Projections provide estimates of current and projected occupational employment for a 10-year projections period. Also provided are the annual growth rate, the...

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