Medicaid Claims by Recipient Zip Code
This dataset provides information related to the services related to recipients enrolled in Medicaid. It contains information about the total number of recipients, total number...
Number of Providers by Zip Code and Provider Type
This dataset is grouped by service provider type and gives information about count of providers of specific type in a zip code. Restricted to latest provider data (year 2017)...
Emergency Visit Claims by Recipient Zip Code and Age Group
This dataset provides information related to emergency visit claims. It contains information about the total number of recipients, total number of claims, and total dollar...
Transportation Related Claims by Recipient Zip Code
This dataset provides information related to access and transportation related claims. It contains information about the total number of patients, total number of claims, and...
High Cost Claims by Zip Code
This dataset provides information related to the 100 most costly diagnostic claims. It contains information about the total number of recipients, total number of claims, and...
Claims by Zip Code and Category of Services
This dataset provides information related to the major services for patients. It contains information about the total number of patients, total number of claims, and dollar...