Archived as of 3/16/22: Due to changing LTC reporting requirements, this dataset will no longer be updated after 3/16/2022. For data on Indiana's long term case facilities, please visit:
Number of verified COVID-19 related cases and deaths from Long-Term Care Facilities for residents and staff members. Historical case data are aggregated at the facility-level and are reported from 3/1/2020 and updated weekly. Facilities that are in non-compliance with historical case data reporting needs are denoted by "Facility has not submitted data" in the "Facility Submission Status" column. Facilities listed as non-compliant will be updated as necessary with any new submissions of their historical cases to the Indiana State Department of Health. Cases and deaths in this file include records reported by Long-Term Care Facilities and have been verified by ISDH through a positive COVID-19 diagnostic lab result.
This data file was constructed to aggregate verified cases and deaths for LTC staff and residents at the facility level. Because residents and staff may be moved between facilities, calculating total verified counts from this data file is not advised. Users should refer to the ISDH LTC dashboard for total counts.