COVID-19 Funds Transparency
A running summary of those expenses officially made against available COVID-related funds Note: 3/22/2023: Due to a technical issue updates are delayed for COVID data. New files...
Expenditures Data
Expenditures data provides detail on all state expenses by funding source, expense category, account, and agency. Data files are broken down into fiscal year, and quarter.
Vendors Data
The vendors data provides detail of all expenditures for state vendors by agency. Vendor expenditures can be viewed by funding source, agency, function of government, and...
Assets Data
Assets data provides detail on state assets with an acquisition cost at or above $500.
Purchase and Travel Card Data
The Purchase and Travel Card data provides detail on agency credit card activity for general purchases and travel. This data can be viewed by card type, agency, and expense...
Non-General Fund Revenue
Non-General Fund Revenue data provides detail on all state revenue by agency and fund outside of the General Fund. Revenue can be viewed by function of government, funding...
Indiana State Agency Cash Balance by Fiscal Year
The cash balance dataset provides details on the state’s cash balances by fund by fiscal year. Includes previous 5 fiscal years
State of Indiana - 2017 to 2019 As Passed Budget
On Friday, April 21, 2017, the Indiana General Assembly passed HEA 1001 -- the primary budget bill. The information presented here provides the details behind that bill.
On Wednesday, April 29, 2015, the Indiana General Assembly passed HEA 1001 -- the primary budget bill. The information presented here provides the details behind that bill and...