Equity Portal - Public Health COVID Census Data
This dataset provides information on the number of individuals per race and county that have reported COVID or Deaths based on the population of the race in each county....
Equity Portal - Infant and Maternal Health Data
This dataset provides information on the counts for infant and maternal health by county, race and year. Below are some items to be aware of as you utilize the dataset: Infant...
COVID-19 Census by PUI and Confirmed
Archived as of 5/29/23: Due to the end of the public health emergency and changes in the requirements for reporting, the Health department will be removing the full Hospital...
COVID-19 Cases by School
Archived as of 2/28/22: This dataset will no longer receive updates as of 2/28/2022 due to changing requirements for school reporting. The historical data will continue to be...
COVID-19 County Categorization Scores
Archived as of 3/31/22: This dataset will no longer receive updates as of 3/30/2022 due to changing requirements for reporting. The historical data will continue to be available...
COVID-19 Case and Death Reporting in LTC Facilities
Archived as of 3/16/22: Due to changing LTC reporting requirements, this dataset will no longer be updated after 3/16/2022. For data on Indiana's long term case facilities,...
COVID-19 Beds and Vents
Archived as of 5/29/23: Due to the end of the public health emergency and changes in the requirements for reporting, the Health department will be removing the full Hospital...
COVID-19 Bed and Vent Usage by Day
Archived as of 5/29/23: Due to the end of the public health emergency and changes in the requirements for reporting, the Health department will be removing the full Hospital...
COVID-19 Case Data
Archived as of 11/15/2023: With the end of the federal emergency and reporting requirements continuing to evolve, the Indiana Department of Health will no longer publish and...
COVID-19 Cases By Zip
Archived as of 11/15/2023: With the end of the federal emergency and reporting requirements continuing to evolve, the Indiana Department of Health will no longer publish and...
COVID-19 County Statistics
Archived as of 11/15/2023: With the end of the federal emergency and reporting requirements continuing to evolve, the Indiana Department of Health will no longer publish and...
COVID-19 County-Wide Test, Case, and Death Trends
Archived as of 11/15/2023: With the end of the federal emergency and reporting requirements continuing to evolve, the Indiana Department of Health will no longer publish and...
COVID-19 Statewide Test, Case, and Death Trends
Archived as of 11/15/2023: With the end of the federal emergency and reporting requirements continuing to evolve, the Indiana Department of Health will no longer publish and...
COVID-19 Deaths by Date by Age Group
Archived as of 11/15/2023: With the end of the federal emergency and reporting requirements continuing to evolve, the Indiana Department of Health will no longer publish and...
COVID-19 Case Demographics
Archived as of 11/15/2023: With the end of the federal emergency and reporting requirements continuing to evolve, the Indiana Department of Health will no longer publish and...
COVID-19 Case Demographics by County and District
Archived as of 11/15/2023: With the end of the federal emergency and reporting requirements continuing to evolve, the Indiana Department of Health will no longer publish and...
COVID-19 Region-Wide Test, Case, and Death Trends
Archived as of 11/15/2023: With the end of the federal emergency and reporting requirements continuing to evolve, the Indiana Department of Health will no longer publish and...
Indiana Births and Infant Deaths
This dataset contains de-identified row level information on births and infant deaths that occurred in Indiana from 2010-2019. Below are a list of items to note about this...
Infant Mortality by County, Year, and Underlying Cause of Death
This dataset includes preliminary aggregate information on the count of infant mortality deaths by year, county, and underlying cause of death. Additionally, the dataset only...
Tobacco Quitline Calls by Year, Average Age, and Pregnancy Group
This dataset contains the total number of calls to the tobacco quitline by year, the average age of the individuals calling the quitline, and whether the individual reported...